In a hospital, the interior design is supposed to present a calming and comforting atmosphere that helps patients recover from things like surgery.
However, according to recent studies, the color schemes used within hospitals are proven to have an effect on people's emotional state and mood. The fact is, many people who enter hospitals with healthy mental states become agitated and disturbed by the unsettling appearance of hospitals once they are inside.
These findings suggest that it's important for designs of hospitals be considered in order for them to facilitate healing not only for patients but also those who work within them. Here are some facts, Hotel interior designer you should be aware of:
When it comes to top interior design service provider, the only thing you can count on is that there isn't a universal design protocol. For example, some hospitals choose to create an environment that's aesthetically welcoming inside, while others prefer to let the calming elements of nature fill their halls through windows and skylights.
However, hospitals today are aware of the issues concerning hospital interior designs related to patients' mental states. Several organizations have made efforts to address these issues by creating guidelines for better selection and placement of colors in hospital settings.
In a study done in Italy, it was found that members of a group of healthy subjects were assigned to go inside a hospital and rate their emotional state at certain moments during their stay. After they were finished rating, their brains were scanned to read their responses on the scans.
Researchers discovered that the healthy individuals who entered the hospital with calm emotions and adjusted moods demonstrated reduced activity in areas of the brain which are responsible for regulatory functions and emotions such as stress, anxiety, and fear.
In order to make people feel more at ease inside a hospital, hospitals are now installing better lighting systems like skylights and curtain-less windows. The use of artificial lighting has caused problems in the past such as when patients experience an acute reaction to the sudden change in light sources. For example, some patients have complained of being so blinded by the sudden change that they involuntarily close their eyes in a reflex action. This can be very disturbing for patients who are recovering from surgery.
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